
When life falls apart we can rebuild it stronger and better than it was before. In tarot, the Death and Tower cards can appear very frightening. The Death card, signalling change, often portrays a skeleton. Like our own fears of change we fear the image.
The Tower card usually shows a building falling apart. When our life is crumbling apart we often feel numb and eventually we stop resisting the changes. When we are strong enough we can rebuild our life.
When we are going through difficult times we can call on Archangel Ariel. She brings us strength and the courage to keep going. She is associated with the rose quartz crystal and images of lions.
"Archangel Ariel please help me to welcome changes into my life. I am grateful for the many blessings in my life."
If you are going through a difficult time at the moment know that life goes through cycles. The bad cycles occur so we learn a certain lesson and grow stronger. When positive changes enter our life we feel truly grateful and acknowledge how far we have come. In every good book the hero must overcome a challenge before he gets the happy ending. Many times the happy ending is not the happy ending he imagined but something even better.