Taurus 2017
20th April-21st May Taureans are the practical people of the zodiac. They are patient and reliable. I feel many Taurean's patience will...

Rabbit Spirit Animal
As we've had Easter recently, I've been drawn to write about the rabbit. Rabbits are a symbol of Spring and new life as well as good...

Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Jophiel governs March. This is the month where we let go of the dark Winter days and welcome in Spring. March breathes new life...

Bear Spirit Animal
I am guided to write about the bear spirit animal today. If you the bear is one of your favourite animals or if you have felt drawn to...

19th February-20th March Happy Birthday Pisces! Pisces are the creators of the zodiac. They prefer to use artistic means as a way to...

Archangel Barchiel
The Archangel of February is Archangel Barchiel. Barchiel is the angel of patience and blessings. He brings us hope and patience as we...

When life falls apart we can rebuild it stronger and better than it was before. In tarot, the Death and Tower cards can appear very...

Happy Birthday Aquarius! Aquarians are the inventors of the zodiac. They push the norms and are uncompromising in their beliefs. They are...

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to say Happy New Year to everyone and thank you for supporting my spiritual work online....