Polar Bear Spirit Animal
If a polar bear visits your dreams or crosses your path, it could have one of the following messages for you: Strength in the face of...

Robin Spirit Animal
If you a robin crosses your path or visits you in a dream it may have a special meaning for you: Someone in the spirit world is letting...

November Guidance 2017
Aries: This month is about cleansing. Sometimes we need to make a change in order to keep life flowing. Don't be afraid to let go of what...

Black Cat Spirit Animal
Happy Halloween! This time of year we see images of black cats everywhere. They often, unfairly, receive a lot of bad press. Black cats...

Fox Spirit Animal
If you keep seeing foxes or dream of one, it could have one of the following messages for you: Use your skills or quick wit to help you...

If you keep seeing hedgehogs or dream of a hedgehog it could have one of the following meanings for you: Hedgehogs are very intuitive....

Virgo 2017
(23 August- 22 September) Virgos are the hard workers of the zodiac. They often have a good eye for detail and very analytical. They are...

Archangel Muriel
Archangel Muriel is the angel that governs June. She is the angel of emotions and can help empaths deal with their feelings. If you are...

Gemini 2017
(21st May-20th June) Geminis are the communicators of the zodiac. They are known for having two sides to their personality: a sociable,...

Archangel Ambriel
Archangel Ambriel governs May. He is also the angel of communication, balance and decisions. Archangel Ambriel is fair and just. Call on...